OLYMPIA – Rep. Patty Kuderer’s first bill was approved 97-0 by the House of Representatives on Monday.
Kuderer’s bill, HB 2604, would protect background check information of certain private sector IT employees from public disclosure.
A loophole in current law allows these background checks to be subject to public disclosure. In the hands of hackers and cybercriminals, private sector cloud employee background check information poses serious personal and security risks.
“Protecting this information protects us,” said Kuderer. “Current law poses a serious personal safety risk to individuals in the private sector that provide IT services for state and local governments. This is a reasonable approach that maintains government transparency while protecting these employees and the sensitive information they protect.”
Kuderer’s other legislative priorities include, giving first responders that acquire certain diseases on the job additional health care protections and making the judicial system more efficient.
Rep. Kuderer, a Democrat from Clyde Hill, was appointed to fill the remainder of the term vacated by former Rep. Ross Hunter.
HB 2604 now heads to the Senate for consideration.