
Week 8 | Bills from Innovation, Community & Economic Development, and Veterans

Dear Friends and Neighbors, It’s week eight of the legislative session—and we’re halfway through! This week, we’re on the House Floor voting on bills every day. Only bills that have... READ MORE

Staying Engaged this Legislative Session

Dear Friends and Neighbors, It’s been so wonderful operating in-person and interacting with so many of you, both virtually and face-to-face. Thank you to those of you who have already... READ MORE

Making Broadband More Accessible & Preventing Catalytic Converter Theft

Dear Neighbors,   We are 25% of the way through the 2023 Legislative Session, and I am honored to return as your 32nd Legislative District representative. This year, I have once again... READ MORE

YOU’RE INVITED: April 13 virtual town hall

Dear Friends and Neighbors, The 2022 session was both historic and productive, with major wins going far beyond what is normally expected during a short, 60-day session. Please join us... READ MORE