Getting To Work: Housing, Safety & Progress This Session!

Dear friends and neighbors,

It has been an incredible first several weeks serving you as a State Representative, and I have enjoyed getting the chance to meet with so many constituents. I welcome any chance to connect, so please reach out to me via email to set up a meeting! February has also been a very busy month in the legislature for three reasons.

First, we reflect on the leadership and legacy of those who shaped our nation. Whether you spent the day learning about history, engaging in community activities, or simply enjoying the long weekend, I hope you took a moment to appreciate the impact of presidential leadership on our country’s journey. I was honored to speak for the first time on the House floor in honor of President’s Day and share my own reflections on its meaning. Click here or on the image below to watch.

Second, February is Black History Month. This month isn’t just about reflection, but also action. All communities stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, and we move knowing that the work for racial inclusivity and empowerment is far from over. I am in these legislative halls to serve all communities in the 48th district, and to make real change happen.

Third, February marks the first deadline of the legislative session – “policy cutoff,” which happened yesterday, the 21st. Any legislation that fails to be heard and voted out of committee by Feb. 21 will not get a chance to continue through the legislative process. I have been hard at work to ensure that my bills – and the bills I’ve been supporting – make it past this deadline!

Below are some bills that I’ve introduced or am co-sponsoring that highlight our shared district priorities for affordable housing, environmental protection, and community safety.

Affordable Housing:

House Bill 1859 expands opportunities for affordable housing developments on properties owned by religious organizations.

House Bill 1808 creates the Affordable Homeownership Revolving Loan Fund Program to provide loans for the construction of permanently affordable homes for low-income households.

House Bill 1696 expands eligibility for the Covenant Homeownership Program and provides a pathway to loan forgiveness, thereby reducing the financial burden on first-time homebuyers.

Environmental Protection:

House Bill 1539 promotes wildfire mitigation and resilience by establishing a Wildfire Mitigation and Resiliency Standards Work Group.

House Bill 1303 improves environmental justice by incorporating it into the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review process.

House Bill 1071 focuses on increasing recycling rates within Washington’s existing solid waste management system.

Community Safety:

House Bill 1811 enhances crisis response services in partnership with the University of Washington School of Social Work, provides peer support programs, and aligns protections for co-responders to better align with those provided to first responders.

House Bill 1574 protect access to life-saving care and substance use services, reducing overall overdose fatalities.

House Bill 1484 ensuring that offenders who commit rape and cause pregnancy face more severe consequences. Learn more in my latest video update.

House Bill 1265 improves community safety by deterring and addressing commercial sexual exploitation.

House Bill 1185 brings unrepresented populations to the table of the Correctional Industries Advisory Committee, better addressing challenges faced by the correctional industry.

Funding In Action!

The Terrapin. Rendering Credit: Johnson & Carr

It’s always inspiring when local projects receive the funding they need to create lasting community impact. Thanks to legislative funding, the Department of Commerce and the Governor’s Office have granted $14.6 million in CHIP Funding to projects around the state. Two projects to receive funding are right in the 48th LD.

  • City of Bellevue Utilities: The Terrapin – 228 106th Place NE, Bellevue ($1 million)
  • City of Redmond: Redmond Permanent Supportive Housing ($1 million)

Stay Engaged

As always, I hope you will stay engaged with my ongoing work. You can follow me on Facebook, reach out via email, or come to Olympia! Thank you for the opportunity to represent your voice and our community!

In Service,

Representative Osman Salahuddin

48th Legislative District