Dear friends and neighbors,
Much has happened since we were last in touch. Over the past weeks, I began my work advancing our community by introducing several pieces of legislation. These include measures to better finance park and recreation projects that local communities desire, to improve the effectiveness of our drug treatment courts, and to help ensure product safety for edible cannabis products that are on the market. Perhaps of most importance, I took to the House floor to continue fighting for stronger schools and communities by voting in favor of the so-called “levy cliff bill.” I hope our Senate colleagues continue to work with the House on this and on other issues as we continue finding solutions to fully funding basic education.
As always, if you have questions, concerns or have an issue you’d like addressed in this newsletter, please feel free to contact my office. You can email me at or call my office at (360) 786-7900.
Standing up for all Washingtonians
Last week, President Trump issued an executive order that restricted refugees and immigrants from certain countries. Almost immediately, there were massive protests by the public and condemnation from legal scholars. And just today, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order on it. There has been much discussion about what can be done to stop unnecessary acts that target innocent people based on their religion.
Our district is home to families from a diverse array of cultural and religious backgrounds. It is also home to thriving, world-renowned businesses that rely on the talent and innovation a diverse workforce ensures.While we all share in the desire to protect our nation from its enemies, well-vetted immigrants and refugees fleeing war-torn and dangerous parts of the world aren’t a threat.
While state legislators are limited in what they can do about federal issues like this, I’ve taken two specific actions in response to the executive order. First, I signed a letter from the House Democratic Caucus asking President Trump to comply with federal court orders addressing this issue. Second, I’m co-sponsoring legislation to prevent our state institutions from being used to collect information for any type of religious registry. My 1st Legislative District seatmates and I also issued a joint statement about our opposition to this reckless and discriminatory executive order.
My first bill

As many of you know, I came to the state legislature by way of local government service. I served on the Kirkland City Council, as well as on the Kirkland Park Board. Because of this background, I’m committed to ensuring our local communities have a voice at the state level in determining their future.
The first piece of legislation I sponsored is a bill that gives metropolitan park districts (MDPs) an optional tool to help build the facilities their citizens desire with strong accountability measures in place.
The idea for this bill came from the lessons learned after a Kirkland ballot measure for a new community pool failed despite general consensus that a new pool is needed. In fact, eastern King County has a great need for new indoor pools – nearly all the ones currently still in use were built in the 1960’s and are now near the end of their useful lives. Public pools are a big quality of life factor – they provide places for children to take swimming lessons, for seniors to stay active through fitness programs, and for anyone to participate in competitive and recreational activities. But understandably, citizens want strong accountability and good fiscal management of facilities built with tax dollars. My bill helps make that possible for all communities, and I’m happy to send you more information if you are interested. Just call or email my office.
If you would like to stay up-to-date on all of my sponsored and co-sponsored legislation, you can do so here.