Dear friends and neighbors,

On Monday, January 13 the legislature kicked off our 105-day session. It is a privilege to be back in Olympia representing the people of the 47th district for another year, and I’m looking forward to fulfilling a new role as Speaker Pro Tempore.
In the Navajo language, the phrase “Hózho Naasháa Doo” means “I walk in beauty.” Beauty can unfold in any area of our lives, from our connectedness with our culture, ourselves, our fellow beings, and our higher power.
While the future may look tumultuous as a new administration prepares to preside over the country, it is important to walk in hózho: to breathe and stay connected with the beauty around us; to remember that we do not face our struggles alone. I am profoundly grateful to live in a state that celebrates the beauty of our diverse communities and values the health and wellness of the people who live here and generations to come.
Your district, your voice: tell me what matters to you!
Listening to you is a big part of my job. What do you need? How can Washington serve you better? What does your family and community need to thrive? Take this survey to share your thoughts and help shape our goals and priorities for the 2025 legislative session.
The future of energy in Washington
The future of energy is changing, regardless of whether we’re ready or not. As co-chair of the Nuclear Energy Caucus alongside Rep. Stephanie Barnard, we are committed to exploring new solutions to reducing carbon emissions and investing in the generation, storage, and use of clean energy solutions.
If Washington is going to remain a leader in pioneering new technology around energy generation, we can’t just look a few feet ahead, we’ve got to plan for future advancements and needs. That’s why bills like Rep. Shaver’s HB 1018 are important. HB 1018 makes changes to definitions in state law to differentiate between two types of nuclear energy generation: fission (the existing process of splitting atoms to generate energy); and fusion (a potential source of energy that is the result of combining nuclei). While scientists are still working on harnessing the power of fusion into a usable energy source, clarifying those definitions now means we’ll be more prepared for the future.
Within the realm of current technology, an exciting advancement is the development of small, modular reactors (SMRs). These compact, efficient systems are a fraction of the size of a conventional nuclear reactor and can be installed in harder-to-reach areas, opening the door to clean energy for more communities across our state.
Last year I sponsored a capital budget request to invest $25 million for Energy Northwest to continue their feasibility study for what will eventually be 12 small modular reactors at their Columbia Generating Station facility. This would generate more carbon-free electricity to complement our state’s solar and wind energy generation. Curious about how SMRs work? Check out this video:
How can I participate in the legislative session?
It’s easier than ever to see what’s happening in the state House of Representative—and to share your thoughts.
- You can watch any committee hearing or floor debate on, either live or after the event.
- To share your story, you can testify live in committees or sign up to testify remotely.
- And you can reach your lawmakers by email, regular mail, or the toll-free Hotline.
If you’re interested in an issue, or passionate about solving a problem, please speak out!
Check out the new legislative website!
Last fall the newly redesigned legislative website launched. The website address remains the same However, if you’ve navigated this website in the past, links and locations of information may have changed in this process. Legislative Support Services created an excellent tutorial (with captions!) to help you navigate the new layout.
This video covers how to find bills, state laws and codes, committee information, how to find your district and legislators, and more. I hope you find this helpful.
Please take the time to fill out the survey, your stories inspire me every day. As always, please reach out by email (, phone, or social media with your questions or thoughts.