Join the ladies of the 49th for a post-session town hall on Saturday, April 6! 

Dear friends and neighbors, 

The 2024 legislative session wrapped up a little over a month ago and I’m happy to be back home in the district, spending time with family, and connecting with friends, neighbors, and folks in the community to listen and learn about the issues that are important to you. 

One great way to share your ideas, suggestions, thoughts, and concerns is to attend the Spring in-person town hall, hosted by the lady legislators of the 49th! 

We’ll share an overview of the legislative session with you, including budget wins for our district and how this year’s supplemental budget addresses issues like education, affordable housing, and the opioid crisis in our state. 

You can find us at Fourth Plain Community Commons on Saturday, April 6. We’ll be there from 11AM-12PM and look forward to saying hello and answering your questions. If you’d like to submit a question ahead of time or want to let us know you’ll be attending the event click here. 

I’m looking forward to seeing you there!