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49th Legislative District town hall meeting this Saturday

Banner with photos of all three 49th LD members and town hall info

Dear neighbors,

Happy New Year!

Next week, my seatmates, Senator Annette Cleveland and Representative Sharon Wylie, and I will be headed up to Olympia for the 2020 Legislative Session. Before we leave, we want to hear from you on what issues you want us to focus on during the 2020 Legislative Session and beyond.

You will have an opportunity to ask us questions, hear about our legislative priorities, and get an overview on what to expect from the 2020 Legislative Session.

What:  49th Legislative District Town Hall
Day:  Saturday, January 11
Time:  11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Location:  Educational Service District 112 Conference and Institute Center
Address:  2500 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661

Can’t make it? Please contact my legislative assistant at so she can collect your questions and send you the footage after the town hall.

See you there!
