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What a ‘Families First’ budget looks like

Families first.

That is the driving principle behind the House Democrats’ proposed budget. People in Vancouver have asked us how we can improve education, make college affordable, create thriving communities, protect our environment and increase access to quality health care.

For the past year, I have talked about the need for a responsible budget that funds our schools without slashing crucial services, and without further cutting programs that grow our economy.

The House Democrats’ proposed  budget fully funds education by investing $7.1 billion in additional dollars for our K-12 schools over the next four years.

We invest in high-quality teachers in every classroom, give students the education they deserve, invest in other crucial school staff and programs, and keep our promise to fully fund education.

Our ‘families first’ budget makes key investments in early learning, higher education, critical human services, housing, mental health, civil legal aid, and quality care for our aging population and people with developmental disabilities.

We’re investing in a future that keeps Washington a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

We have known all along that there wasn’t enough revenue to create an exceptional education system without cutting some or all of the critical state services. In addition to deep cuts to state services, Senate Republicans proposed a $5.5 billion property tax to fund their budget.

Our progressive revenue plan cuts the B&O taxes for 80% or our businesses, while improving the fairness of our tax system to make these needed investments. You can read more about our revenue package here and here.

And based on the survey results you submitted a few weeks ago, it looks like the vast majority of our community supports progressive tax reform that provides small business tax relief, eases the burden on families, and fully funds our K-12 schools.


Now that both chambers have introduced budget and revenue plans, both sides will start negotiating a compromise solution to send to the Governor. I remain committed to supporting your values and the values of Washington throughout the negotiation process.

House Page Alina with Rep. Monica Stonier

Thank you so much to Alina from Henrietta Lacks High School in Vancouver for being a part of the Page Program! It is so great to see high school students from home active in the Legislature!