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Pre-session town hall this weekend, and ways you can engage in the 2024 legislative session

Dear neighbors, 

The legislative session starts in a few days and while it’s a short session (60 days), I’ll be working hard to pass bills that build on the successes we had last year in key issues like housing and behavioral health.

49th LD Town Hall this Weekend

Building a Washington that works for everyone can’t happen without your voices and your participation. That’s why I’m hoping you’ll join me at the 49th Legislative District Town Hall this weekend. I’ll be there with my seatmate Rep. Sharon Wylie and Senator Annette Cleveland to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and hear what matters to you.  

The town hall is this Saturday, January 6 at the Vancouver Community Library. It starts at 11:00 AM in the Columbia room. Hope to see you there! 

Guide to Engaging in the 2024 Legislative Session

Ways to engage in the 2024 legislative session

 The most important part of our democracy is you! That’s why we’ve made it easy to participate in the legislative process. Here’s some ways to get involved: 

You can always keep up to date during session by following my Facebook page. Thanks for reading!
