OLYMPIA – As one of only two states that doesn’t require proof of legal immigration status in order to obtain a driver’s license, Washington has become a “magnet” state for people trying to skirt immigration laws to obtain identification. But Rep. Steve Tharinger (D – Sequim) is co-sponsoring a bill in the state Legislature to change that.
House Bill 1577, which Tharinger calls “reasonable, common-sense legislation,” would ask driver’s license applicants to show proof of immigration status. If an applicant is unable to show proper proof, a license would still be issued, but would be stamped as being not valid for purposes of identification.
“Utah was also a ‘magnet state,’ until lawmakers there passed a similar bill,” Tharinger said. “We want to make sure drivers on Washington’s roads are properly licensed, but a Washington license shouldn’t provide a loophole to our immigration laws.”
Tharinger’s seatmate, Rep. Kevin Van De Wege (D – Sequim), says the measure protects Washington’s interests in the absence of federal immigration reform, without forcing Department of Licensing employees to act as immigration officials.
“Immigration is ultimately a federal issue, and we don’t want our state DOL workers to have to do the federal government’s job,” said Van De Wege, who is also co-sponsoring the measure.
There is strong bipartisan support for the bill, which has been referred to the House Transportation Committee. It awaits a public hearing.
“There are a lot of strong opinions on this issue, but one thing we can all agree on is that Washington shouldn’t be a ‘magnet state’,” Tharinger said.
An Associated Press analysis found that Washington state has experienced a marked increase in undocumented immigrants due to crackdowns in other states, such as Arizona.