Rep. Steve Tharinger, other Community Leaders Join Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition Board

On Tuesday, the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition board unanimously approved six new board members to their ranks, including local Representative Steve Tharinger (D-Sequim).  The new members bring expertise and unparalleled commitment to the Coalition’s mission of protecting Washington’s natural heritage by investing in parks, wildlife habitat and working farms.

“It’s an honor to join the WWRC Board, together with other supporters of wildlife habitat, recreation areas, and farmland.  Much of Washington’s economy is driven by our abundance of working landscapes and agricultural bounty,” said Representative Tharinger.  “Preservation of these lands is important for both our economy and our environment.”

The Coalition’s 59 directors and eight ex-officio members represent a unique partnership between diverse interests.  Through the Coalition, businesses like REI, Boeing and the Washington Realtors work hand in hand with nonprofit groups like the Nature Conservancy and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to preserve and protect trails, parks and wildlife habitat.

Read the entire WWRC press release here.