Tharinger completes prestigious training academy for state lawmakers

State Representative Steve Tharinger (D – Dungeness) recently completed a four-day intensive training program at the prestigious Western States Legislative Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Admission to the Academy is a competitive process; less than half of this year’s 93 applicants were accepted.  All attendees are state legislators from 13 western states who are in their first four years of service.

“The training focuses on building solid leadership skills to help you be a more effective legislator,” Tharinger said. “It was an honor to be selected this year, and I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with my colleagues and constituents.”

Subjects covered at this year’s training included legislative institutions, ethics, communications, negotiations, time management and leadership.  The Academy’s faculty is drawn from academia, the military, and the private sector. One afternoon was spent at the U.S. Air Force Academy working on personal assessments and team building.

“It was great to work together with legislators from other states, and from both sides of the aisle,” Tharinger said. “All differences are put aside and you’re just one team, focused on making our democracy work better at the state legislative level.”

Tharinger, who will begin his second term as a state representative this January, is a former Clallam County commissioner, as well as a state-certified mediator and former small business owner.  He was first elected to the House in 2010.

The Council of State Governments is based in Lexington, Kentucky, with regional offices in Sacramento, Chicago, Atlanta and New York.

Funding for the Academy comes from the Colorado Springs-based El Pomar Foundation, which is dedicated to excellence in nonprofit organizations, and from western legislatures and corporate sponsors.  The El Pomar Foundation also donates the campus for the Academy.