Reps. Van De Wege, Tharinger accepting page applications for 2014 legislative session

Do you know a young person interested in expanding their civic education or public service? Representatives Kevin Van De Wege (D- Sequim) and Steve Tharinger (D- Dungeness) are now accepting page applications for the coming legislative session that begins in January and runs until mid-March.

“Students are learning about Washington state government and the legislative process in their classrooms each day,” said Rep. Van De Wege. “Taking part in the page program is a great way for young people to see what they are reading in textbooks on-the-ground, while expanding their knowledge in a dynamic and exciting way.”

Participation in the page program is a week-long commitment. Students spend two hours per day attending class on the legislative process. They spend the rest of the day doing various duties – ranging from administrative tasks to ceremonial duties. Pages are compensated $35/day for their work.

“Pages help with the day-to-day operation of the legislature,” said Rep. Tharinger. “This gives them a good sense of how the legislature works and what Kevin and I do. It’s a great experience for the students who participate and we try to make it as enjoyable and educational as possible.”

To learn more about the page program, visit  The page application is available electronically at Folks can also contact Reps. Van De Wege ( and Tharinger ( for more information.