Tharinger, Van De Wege announce Grays Harbor projects in state construction budget

Compromise budget passes House unanimously

OLYMPIA – In the final hours of the special legislative session, lawmakers in the state House of Representatives passed a two-year state construction budget on a unanimous 94-0 vote that will fund construction and repair of several Grays Harbor County projects. 

Rep. Steve Tharinger (D – Sequim), who serves on the House Capital Budget committee, says although this budget is smaller than the previous biennial construction budget, it will still have a positive economic impact.

“These projects will put people to work, and they will be working for the benefit of our communities and our quality of life,” Tharinger said.

The final budget, a compromise that was negotiated with the state Senate, includes funding for a new spray park at Hoquiam’s Central Play Park, as well as for the repair of seawater intrusion and rot inside the historic Lady Washington’s engine room.

At a March 11 town hall meeting hosted by Tharinger and Rep. Kevin Van De Wege (D – Sequim) in Montesano, they were asked to do what they could to ensure the Lady Washington funding would make the final cut.

“It’s a project that supports the local tourism industry, and has an important historical preservation component,” said Van De Wege, who also co-chairs the Legislature’s Heritage Caucus. 

Additionally, Grays Harbor will receive a $3.6 million loan through the state’s Public Works Trust Fund for construction of a wastewater treatment plant to serve Pacific Beach and Moclips. The project will increase the number sewer connections in the area.  Tharinger says these types of public infrastructure projects provide a high return on investment.

“The state makes the initial investment of the loan, but the economic impact is often many times the amount of the loan, and the community directly benefits,” Tharinger said.

The capital budget was the last remaining of the three state budgets awaiting House passage.  Yesterday, the House passed a two-year state operating budget.  A two-year Transportation budget cleared the Legislature during the 2011 regular session.

Today is the final day of the special session.  The construction budget must still clear the Senate before midnight, but with both chambers already having agreed to the proposal it is expected to go through on time.

Tharinger and Van De Wege both represent the 24th Legislative District, which includes parts of Grays Harbor County.