Meet your state legislators February 1 in Montesano

OLYMPIA – The 2012 legislative session is underway in Olympia, but Harborites have an opportunity to meet their legislators without making a special trip to the state capitol.

State representatives Steve Tharinger and Kevin Van De Wege welcome Grays Harbor residents to a legislative town hall on Wednesday, February 1 in Montesano.  The event will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Montesano High School commons, located at 303 North Church Street.

After brief introductory remarks, the legislators will take questions directly from audience members.

“We had a great turnout at our Monte town hall last year, and we thought it was important to come back to the Harbor and hear firsthand what families and business owners are facing,” Tharinger said.  “This is the forum to speak up and ask questions, because we’re listening to you.”

The regular session is scheduled to last through March 8, 2012.  In addition to balancing the state budget, lawmakers are working to spur job creation and provide opportunity to all regions of the state.

“Our rural areas have been hit hard by unemployment, and that hurts small businesses in communities like Montesano,” Van De Wege said.  “It’s not just about putting people back to work, it’s about establishing homegrown industries that will provide family-wage jobs for the long-term.”