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Reps. Kilduff and Leavitt together in rotunda
MEDIA ADVISORY: “Coffee & Conversations” with State House Representatives on June 11

Who: Rep. Christine Kilduff and Rep. Mari Leavitt What: A small group conversation with 28th District constituents When: Tuesday, June 11 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Where: Starbucks in... READ MORE

Governor signs Santos bill addressing teacher workforce shortage crisis

OLYMPIA – Governor Inslee signed a bill last Wednesday aimed at getting more qualified teachers into public school classrooms in an effort to address the growing teacher shortage crisis in... READ MORE

Rep. Riccelli statement on Federal Support for Permanent Daylight Saving Time

Statement from Rep. Marcus Riccelli, D-Spokane, on Federal Support for Permanent Daylight Saving Time May 10, 2019 This session, the Washington State Legislature finally took a major step in moving... READ MORE

State construction budget improves quality of life, opportunity for Pierce County’s most underserved communities

OLYMPIA—The new state construction budget – known as the capital budget (House Bill 1102) – passed by the legislature includes funding for Pierce County projects that will benefit some of... READ MORE

Gov. signs Manufactured/Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act reform

OLYMPIA – For people who own manufactured/mobile homes, the American Dream of homeownership can quickly turn into a nightmare when a mobile home park changes ownership. This is because despite... READ MORE

Robinson bill to shine light on prescription drug costs signed by Governor

OLYMPIA – On Thursday, Governor Inslee signed a bill to bring more transparency to prescription drug price increases. Rep. June Robinson (D-Everett) sponsored House Bill 1224 after hearing stories from... READ MORE

ferry, transportation, water
Fey: 2019 session marked by significant progress on transportation

OLYMPIA–The 2019 session finished on time with a new transportation budget (House Bill 1160) along with other key reforms to modernize and improve the state’s transportation system. “I was proud... READ MORE

Governor signs oil spill prevention, orca recovery legislation

OLYMPIA – With only 75 Southern Resident orcas left in the Puget Sound area, Gov. Jay Inslee signed legislation on Wednesday, May 8 to help with orca recovery by preventing oil... READ MORE

Permanent daylight saving time measure signed by governor

OLYMPIA – With the stroke a pen, Washington state is telling Congress it wants to be on daylight saving time year-round. Rep. Marcus Riccelli (D-Spokane), sponsored HB 1196, which passed... READ MORE

Fitzgibbon bill puts key orca task force recommendations into state law

OLYMPIA – Several measures to help protect endangered Southern Resident killer whales were signed into law today, including a bill codifying key recommendations of the governor’s orca task force. Sponsored... READ MORE