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Legislature passes bill to prevent oil spills, help orca recovery

OLYMPIA – On Thursday the Legislature passed House Bill 1578 to help with orca whale recovery and oil spill prevention in the Salish Sea. There are only 75 Southern Resident... READ MORE

Legislature passes Pellicciotti’s ‘Corporate Crime Act’

OLYMPIA – For the first time in nearly century, corporations in Washington found guilty of criminal acts will face harsher penalties under the Corporate Crime Act (House Bill 1252). Sponsored... READ MORE

Appleton scores victory in effort to end breed-specific dog bans

OLYMPIA – Persistence pays off.  After years of effort, state Rep. Sherry Appleton on Wednesday (Apr. 17) celebrated final passage of her bill to prohibit local governments in Washington from... READ MORE

Affordable Housing Sales Tax Exemption Passes Legislature

OLYMPIA – Self-help homeownership developers have more tools available to help families realize the dream of affordable homeownership, thanks to policy proposed by Rep. Mari Leavitt, D-University Place. In a... READ MORE

Rep. Thai’s pharmacy inspection measure signed by governor

OLYMPIA – A bill to ensure out of state pharmacies adhere to the same patient safety inspections as in-state pharmacies was signed by the governor into law today. Rep. My-Linh... READ MORE

Legislature Passes Entenman Bill to Help Struggling Students

OLYMPIA – Community and technical college students struggling with food insecurity or unforeseen financial emergencies may soon have help, thanks to newly-passed legislation sponsored by Rep. Debra Entenman, D-Kent. Under... READ MORE

Legislature passes bill to help homeless college students succeed

OLYMPIA – At just 15 years old, Charles Adkins of Everett found himself homeless. He finished high school with the support of a local nonprofit and ultimately received a full... READ MORE

#DitchTheSwitch: Year-round daylight saving time measure clears Senate

OLYMPIA – The state Senate voted overwhelmingly tonight to put Washington state on year-round daylight saving time. House Bill 1196, which passed on a 46-2 vote, was already approved by... READ MORE

Legislature moves to revise leasing terms on unplatted tidelands and shorelands

OLYMPIA – On Thursday, April 11, the Legislature passed House Bill 1849, to simplify lease terms for first-class unplatted tidelands and shorelands managed by the Department of Natural Resources. Current... READ MORE

Orwall bill to prevent home foreclosure from property tax increases passes Legislature

OLYMPIA – Following months of negotiations between local governments, financial institutions, homeowner advocates and lawmakers, the Legislature passed House Bill 1105 to help homeowners facing foreclosure after falling behind on... READ MORE