Washington State House Democrats


Aging is…..

….different for each person.

But something most of us can count on is needing some sort of help when we reach our advanced years. Whether it’s administering medication, transportation to the doctor, or assistance with housecleaning, no one can do it alone.

Long term care is a crucial to the caregiving picture. In the past, families have been played the lead role. But, with the baby boomers slowly creating the “Silver Tsunami”, we will have many more Americans of advanced age and fewer children and grandchildren to care for them.  In 2012 there were approximately 830,000 people age 65 and over in Washington state . But by 2040 that number is estimated to reach 1,860,000.

Meeting the needs of these people will be a challenge. But, the good news is that we still have time to prepare. And, Washington is on the right track!

According to a new scorecard compiled by The AARP, the Commonwealth Fund and the Scan Foundation, Washington ranks second in the nation in our long-term supports and services.

The study used 26 measures in five broad categories:

  • Affordability and Access
  • Choice of Setting and Provider
  • Quality of Life & Quality of Care
  • Support for Family Caregivers
  • Effective Transitions

Washington showed substantial improvement in 9 of the 26 indicators from our 2011 scorecard. However, one of our top problems is still the astronomical cost of care. Middle class families have to make painful financial decisions in order to care for their loved ones – shelling out anywhere from 88% to 246% of their median family income.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can do better.

Washington has convened a Committee on Aging and Disability to address problems our state will encounter associated with a larger aging population. The committee is comprised of key legislators as well as representatives from the Governor’s Office, The Dept. of Social and Health Services, Dept. of Retirement Systems and The Healthcare Authority. The committee has been meeting regularly all year, and by December and will submit a detailed plan to help Washington: promote healthy aging & financial security, stop elder abuse and improve caregiver support.

Washington is doing well. We still have a long road to travel before our work is done, but together we can help all Washingtonians age with dignity.