Washington State House Democrats


And while we’re talking about state rankings…..

Washington also ranks high in doing good deeds for others!

Earlier this week the Seattle Times reported that Washington ranks ninth among states in the country for volunteerism, with more than a third of all residents 16 and older volunteering in some capacity.volunteerism

The findings come from a new report entitled Volunteering and Civic Life in America 2013, released by the Corporation for National & Community Service. It showed Washington in the top ten states for volunteerism with 34.5 percent participation. In addition, Seattle was number four among the top 51 metropolitan areas and came in first for volunteerism among the 16 to 24 age group.

The report estimated the hours of service contributed were valued at $5.8 billion last year.

The top state for volunteerism was Utah with 43.8 percent, while the worst was Louisiana with 20.4 percent. Oklahoma came in at the middle of the pack with 27.7 percent.