Like many other schools around the country, Washington’s colleges and universities are working to cut student-driving to, from, and around campus.
Innovative transportation programs advanced in many Washington higher-education institutions are celebrated in a new report from the WashPIRG Foundation. The colleges’ driving-decrease tactics hailed in the foundation’s report are aimed at turning more personal-vehicle drivers into commuter-vehicle passengers. This new WashPIRG report praises strategies that work toward:
- Emphasizing the fact that we need a wider range of transportation options.
- Reflecting the fact that today’s college students have a stronger preference for more efficient, more environmentally responsible transportation.
The Evergreen State College is one of Washington’s higher-education institutions singled out in the report. Specifically, TESC is applauded for its especially strong work in advocating alternatives for getting from Point A to Point B. This driving-decrease conversation reflects an emphasis on creating new models for transportation policy, thus ultimately reducing the amount of students’ driving time.