Since the passage of I-502 in 2012, a number of local governments have made the decision to bar the growth, processing and/or sale of recreational marijuana within their city limits. The Municipal Research and Services Center has been tracking the implementation of these bans and notes that they now span more than 40 percent of the state.
That figure combines both municipalities that have laid down straight bans as well as those that have issued temporary moratoriums. 41 cities have now banned the sale of recreational marijuana within city limits, as have Pierce, Clark and Yakima County. Another 80 cities have put a hold on all permits associated with the recreational industry while they determine what other policies are needed to accommodate such stores.
The growing number of bans and moratoriums comes after an August ruling by a Pierce County judge affirming their legality. The City of Fife’s ban was challenged by an aspiring marijuana retailer whose business application was denied, claiming that the ban violated the rigorous regulatory system established under the initiative. The judge sided with the City, saying that I-502 allowed, but didn’t mandate, recreational marijuana.
The case is being appealed and could wind up in the State Supreme Court.