Associated Press
State bills would limit access to officer body camera videos (Hansen)
Washington lawmakers propose allowing pot growing at home (Kohl-Welles, Blake)
BNSF Railway faces penalties for reporting violations
A year later, scars of deadliest US landslide remain fresh
Federal judge denies motion to reconsider Yakima case
Western governors request federal wildfire-prevention help
More than 400 Washington foster parents object to flu shots
Aberdeen Daily World
Difficulties of Smarter Balanced Assessments hot topic for Hoquiam School Board
Oped: Jim Walsh — We can’t say “no” to everything; it’s too risky
Oped: Annie Cubberly — Money spent on kids now saves us a bundle later (Hargrove)
Arlington Times
Arlington among cities to receive Medal of Honor for Oso landslide response
Bellingham Herald (subscription required)
State rail regulators: Fine BNSF for not reporting leaks immediately
Legislature considering changes to medical lien law after lawsuit revealed MultiCare’s collection practices (Jinkins)
Central Kitsap Reporter
Washington’s unemployment rate remains flat at 6.3 percent
The Daily News
Education leaders talk success, challenges at annual Chamber luncheon
Everett Herald (subscription required)
Chase bill on utility district voting moves from State Senate to House (Chase)
Sens. Murray and Cantwell reflect on year since slide, ponder future
State seeks to fine BNSF $770K for hazardous waste spills
McCusker: Immigrants’ lower birth rate bodes ill for Social Security
News Tribune (subscription required)
Teachers union rallies members to plead for higher pay, lower class size
Legislature considering changes to medical lien law after lawsuit revealed MultiCare’s collection practices (Jinkins)
Under the Dome: Friday (March 20), the 68th day of the 105-day legislative session
Editorial: Body cam compromise acceptable for short term
Redmond Reporter
Residents feel voices not heard by transportation commission, 405 tolling rates set
Renton Reporter
Michael Chadd Boysen found dead in cell in Walla Walla
Seattle Times (subscription required)
State losing more than 400 foster parents for babies and toddlers
Workers hoist the cover off Bertha, get look under the hood
Smokers, you’re not wanted in Seattle’s parks
Study: Sad dads linked to bad toddler behavior
Lawmakers propose bill to allow growing recreational pot at home (Blake, Kohl-Welles)
Guest Column: Saving children from the Internet’s dark side
Spokesman Review
Inslee on Reddit, called to task by vape users
Editorial: Disclosing price tag of state initiatives good policy
Tri-City Herald
Senate committee passes budget amendment that could help Hanford
Fish and Wildlife’s first bear dog retires in Kennewick
BNSF facing $700,000 fines for hazardous spills
Our Voice: Cities should have say about potential oil trains
Vancouver Business Journal
Editorial: Transportation package needs new I-5 crossing included (Moeller, Cleveland)
Yakima Herald Republic
Judge denies Yakima’s motion in ACLU case
Editorial: Time for Congress to approve Ex-Im Bank and trade authority
Scientists figuring out how Oso landslide was so devastating
Oso, surrounding communities honored with Medal of Valor
Cigarette tax hike would pay for cancer research (Hunter, Habib)
One Year After Mudslide, First Responders Tackle Emotional Damage
Washington Unemployment Rate Flat, Now Lags National Rate
BNSF Railway Could Face Big Fines After Hazardous Spills In Washington
Seattle’s Disjointed Transportation Needs A Fix, Mayor Murray Says (KIRO FM)
Rep. Harmsworth on I-405 toll : ‘They made this decision last year’
Q13 TV (FOX)
More than 400 Washington foster parents object to flu shots; change their licenses
Inside Olympia (Fitzgibbon, McCoy)
Tiny particles delay study of coal port proposal
Bertha rises to the surface, one piece at a time
Field Notes from Olympia: Moeties, closed-door caucus meetings and our open government ideal
Sure! Where Do We Store The Waste?
Mayor Ed Murray Announces $900 Million Transportation Levy
Governor Jay Inslee: “I Have Huge Concerns About Drilling in the Arctic”
Washington State Wire
Small Business Employers Beware: Check Your Options Before Using the State Health Exchange