Associated Press
Washington school district considers transgender policy
Police chiefs: Universal background checks for gun purchases
Washington Patrol to do emphasis patrols on “Move Over Law”
Bellingham Herald (subscription required)
To help salmon, fixing culverts is key – but state must find them all first
Op-ed: Whatcom View: I-1366 would harm state education, tax policy
Bothell Reporter
Sen. Frockt speaks out for gun safety during Seattle march (Frockt)
Everett Herald (subscription required)
Feds kick in $10M for new Mukilteo ferry terminal (Liias)
Street Smarts: Commutes get longer (again) in latest state traffic report
News Tribune (subscription required)
10 lawmakers join call for high court to reconsider decision on charter schools (Clibborn, Pettigrew, Springer, Hobbs, Mullet)
To help salmon, fixing culverts is key – but state must find them all first
Tacoma Link expansion gets $15 million in federal money
Tacoma widow sues mental-health provider in husband’s death by their son
Speakers before Pierce County Council spar over ‘blank check’ for Lindquist
Puyallup schools set district graduation record
Vacant Tacoma Public Schools property breeds problems, neighbors say
Editorial: Rackets that fleece military suffer another blow
Op-Ed: Why does DSHS tolerate Western State offenses?
Olympian (subscription required)
Hearing set for Thurston County pot regulations
Editorial: Voter registration deadline falls today
Puget Sound Business Journal
Sitting in traffic, again? Blame Washington state’s rebounding economy
Washington’s health innovation businesses are worth $6.8 billion to the state
At UW and across nation, med school applications hit record high
Seattle Times (subscription required)
Everett Public Schools hopes to be first in state to offer new AP curriculum districtwide
State: More drivers, more gridlock, more delays
Lawmakers ask state Supreme court to reconsider charter school ruling (Clibborn, Pettigrew, Springer)
Seattle-area traffic apps hungry for your data to make commute easier
Editorial: Scared, vulnerable kids migrating from Central America need more legal help
Op-Ed: Worker safety at Hanford cleanup remains top priority
Skagit Valley Herald
Troopers emphasize ‘move over’ law
Spokesman Review
Congress moves Ex-Im Bank legislation out of committee
Impact of summer wildfires still being gauged by forest experts
WSU’s Pullman campus may go tobacco-free
Gun rights activist found guilty of disobeying Spokane courthouse guards
Editorial: Paraeducators need, want training
Tri-City Herald
Our Voice: Consent decree panel’s discussion should be open
Guest Column: More discretion needed for first-time DUI offenders
Guest Column: For first-time DUI offenders, punishment should deter
Walla Walla Union Bulletin (subscription required)
Editorial – Washington’s farm regulators work with farmers
Editorial – School chief focused on fully funding basic education
Veterans accuse WSP of ignoring preference law
Study: Puget Sound traffic congestion up 19% since recession
Law could hurt homeless teen housing
Researchers See Limited Environmental Impact From Increased Puget Sound Shellfish Farming
Wash. Troopers Wary Of Being Hit By Side Of The Road
Washington Felony Gun Registry Law Hardly Used (KIRO FM)
Did WSDOT take away a lane on I-405 for the express toll lanes?
Massive military deal could bring billions of dollars to Boeing
Q13 TV (FOX)
State Patrol troopers cracking down on violators of ‘Move Over’ law
Capitol Record (TVW)
On TVW this week: House Environment and state Supreme Court
Civic Skunkworks
If You’re Sick of Big Money in Politics, You Should Vote “Yes” on I-122 (campaign finance reform)
You Should Read This Story About Seattle’s “Minimum Wage Meltdown That Never Happened”
Did You Know That Washington State Made Great Strides in Low-Income Education This Year?
Park Service comes around: Racist name must go (Jayapal)
Saving Seattle’s trees may mean saving their yards
Seattle P.I.
Reichert, Smith, citing ‘racial slur,’ urge change from Coon Lake to Howard Lake
The Stand
Workers win settlement, back pay from Alaska fuel distributor
ROC-Seattle hosting Restaurant Industry Summit on Thursday
$15 minimum wage proposed for Olympia