Washington State House Democrats


Dolores Huerta Day legislation heads to Senate

OLYMPIA—A bill to recognize April 10 as Dolores Huerta Day passed the House earlier today on a 62-34 vote. Click here to watch the Floor debate on this legislation.

“Dolores Huerta worked diligently to not only be a voice for underrepresented farm workers, but also a voice for women to gain the courage to step into roles of leadership,” said Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self, D-Mukilteo, prime sponsor of House Bill 1906.

Growing up as a woman of color, Dolores Huerta was no stranger to discrimination. As a teacher, she witnessed how poverty severely affected the children of farm workers, and seeing the injustices that farm working families endured led her to work toward bringing change to her community.

Barrio improvements, disability insurance for farm workers, empowering women, and more would not have come to fruition without Dolores Huerta. She, alongside Cesar Chavez, fought against abuse and discrimination and, in 1962, together they launched the National Farm Workers Association, which preceded the United Farm Workers of America Union.

Their accomplishments still resonate with farm workers all across the nation today.

If this legislation were to reach the governor’s desk, Washington would be the second state, just after California, to honor Dolores Huerta on her birthday.

“She is an example of someone who came from a humble background, pulled herself up, and made sure to give back to others,” said Ortiz-Self. “And while the journey is far from over, her work cannot be diminished. Passage of this bill would give credit where it’s due.”