Because there is a very real, very significant budget deficit due to inflation, growing needs, and slowing revenue growth, we have to consider what cuts might mean to Washington residents. Before leaving office, Governor Inslee put out an example of an all cuts, no revenue budget. It’s not the budget you heard about in the news, with new revenue to balance. This example budget was the “Book 1” or “No Revenue” budget. It’s based on current law, assuming no new taxes or changes to policies. The goal was to show just how bad these cuts would be and they are DEVASTATING.

Want to see all the examples of possible cuts? Click here for Governor Inslee’s New Law vs. Current Law differences


WHAT COULD HAPPEN: Catastrophic cuts to Medicaid, health care, and public health funding in Washington state, eliminating or significantly reducing key programs that keep people alive and healthy, leading to unaccounted for costs in the future.

Human Services & Early Learning

WHAT COULD HAPPEN: Cuts to human services and early learning programs that eliminate and significantly reduce services provided to those in poverty and low-income households.

Higher Education

WHAT COULD HAPPEN: Washington’s students, universities, colleges, and all institutions of higher learning would suffer with over $1 billion in cuts.

Long Term Care & Developmental Disabilities

WHAT COULD HAPPEN: Seniors, people with developmental disabilities, and those in need of long term care see massive reductions to services designed to ensure quality of life.

Behavioral health

WHAT COULD HAPPEN: Behavioral health investments take a significant reduction, including reduction to training and treatment for substance use disorder.


WHAT COULD HAPPEN: Significant cuts to efforts to provide treatment to those who enter the criminal justice system, as well as reentry investments, and staffing for health care in the Department of Corrections.