Legislative Insights: How to stay informed & involved!

Welcome to the 2024 Legislative Session!

Dear friends and neighbors, 

I hope each of you enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating holiday season, welcoming the New Year with joy! As the 2024 Legislative Session kicks off, the 60-day supplemental sessions move fast—don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for the latest.  

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I am thrilled to be back in Olympia, and I am eager to hear from you! Your participation is vital to our community, and I am grateful for your ongoing feedback. Here are some ways we can stay connected during this legislative session: 

  • Watch: Join me on TVW.org for live broadcasts featuring debates, votes, committee meetings, and other significant events. 
  • Research: Stay informed by exploring legislation based on lawmakers or topics that resonate with you. Understanding these issues is key to our collective progress. 
  • Learn: Dive into the legislative process from its inception to gain a deeper understanding of how decisions are shaped and executed. 
  • Testify: Your voice is powerful. Whether virtually or in writing, you can continue to testify on legislation during the committee process. Share your insights and personal stories to make a lasting impact. 
  • Get in touch: I am here for you. Reach out to my office via email or call the legislative hotline at 800-562-6000. This year, I am available for both in-person and virtual meetings. To schedule a meeting, please contact my Legislative Assistant, Katharine Gillen, at Katharine.Gillen@leg.wa.gov. 

Ways to participate joint

Berg Bill Basics Episode 1: Drafting a Bill 

Embark on a journey through the intricate world of the legislative process, where decisions take shape and come to life. In this inaugural episode, we’ll delve into the drafting process—how an idea becomes a bill!  

Stay tuned for the upcoming episodes, as we continue unraveling the layers of Berg Bill Basics.  


Thank you for being an integral part of our community, and I look forward to working together to achieve positive outcomes in this legislative session. 


Berg signature

Rep. April Berg