Rep. Bergquist’s Legislative Update: I-405 HOT Lanes Survey

Thank you to the over 1,500 people who read a survey I recently sent and to the hundreds who included their own ideas about the Governor’s plan to fully fund education.

There’s definitely a trend in your responses, clearly we all want to fund our schools and many of you agreed with most of Governor Inslee’s revenue options. Click here to analyze the results, and here to read the comments and ideas from people who shared their thoughts.

If you did not get a chance to respond to the education funding survey but want to do so now, please click here.

This time, I want your opinion on the I-405 HOT lanes.

As you may know, we recently broke ground on the I-405 – Highway 167 connector project, which would help with what the Department Transportation calls “one of the most heavily congested interchanges in the state.”