Rep. Steve Bergquist interviews three pages on their experience in Olympia

Rep. Steve Bergquist (D-Renton) interviewed Cameron, Ria and Lucille who were in Olympia serving as pages:

Since 1891, young people from across the state have come to the state Capitol to serve as pages for the Washington State House of Representatives.

Paging presents students with a unique educational opportunity to participate in the legislative process. Selection as a page is a great honor.

Page duties are varied. They range from ceremonial tasks such as presenting the flags to operational chores like distributing amendments during legislative sessions. Each job is vital to the efficient operation of the Legislature.

As the week-long experience draws to a close and pages return to their schools and communities, it is hoped that pages will share their experiences and observations with others in an effort to contribute to a more universal understanding of the legislative process.

If you or someone you know is interested in serving as a page, here’s the application.