Washington State House Democrats


Monday, March 31



Aberdeen Daily World
Mother sues DSHS over infant son’s death

Arlington Times
Number of missing in Oso mudslide reduced to 30

Associated Press
No national system to track landslide hazards
HealthCare.gov stumbles on last day
Student loan debt widening wealth gap
Washington deadline to remove studded tires
Split influence in Washington’s congressional map
Blog: Bill letting judges order gun surrenders with protection orders is signed into law
Blog: Inslee signs bill banning tanning beds for youths
Inslee: Plans in works for housing, roads
Lawmakers seek solution for Columbia bridge replacement
1 in 4 Seattle workers could benefit from $15 wage
WA high school senior project: Change state law
I-5 bridge replacement: Lawmakers seek solution
Inslee signs bill designating official oyster
Inslee OKs surrender bill for restraining order
Anglers protest fishing regulations at Rockport

Auburn Reporter
Residents gather to tell Rep. Reichert to stop supporting poverty wages and increase the minimum wage

Bainbridge Island Review
State hearing begins on breakup of city’s police union

Bonney Lake & Courier Herald
Domestic partnerships for most couples to convert to marriages this summer
Attorney General’s bills to protect veterans and military families signed into law (Orwall, Hobbs)
Gov. Jay Inslee appoints Blue Ribbon Task Force on Recreation
Legal action delays foreclosure, gives payments to homeowners

Pike has a new push to replace I-5 bridge (Cleveland)
Obamacare enrollment nears 7 million initial goal at deadline
Marijuana question returns to cities’ agendas
Editorial: In Our View: Now Taking Bridge Ideas
Op-ed: Local View: Pay for state’s public school teachers has increased

Everett Herald
Landslide risk widespread in county; 30,000 in hazard zones
Singletary: Feds need to crack down on trap of payday loans
Commentary: Reform on hold: Immigration limbo
Op-ed: Educational attainment gap must be bridged
Op-ed: Economic Alliance Snohomish County: Supporting business, in critical ways
Editorial: The long trek to normalcy (Oso mudslide)
Editorial: Tighten state exemptions (Immunizations)
Editorial: Way late and dollars short (Everett’s cash flow)

News Tribune (subscription required)
Student hopes victory in Legislature means end of senior projects (Santos)
State finally hits sign-up target for health insurance — 3 months late
Student hopes victory in Legislature means end of senior projects
Gov. Inslee signs bill prohibiting life sentences without parole for youths (Hargrove)
Editorial: Mental health funding: ‘Little dent’ in big problem (Morrell)
Op-ed: Vocal special interests ignoring science on coal dust

Olympian (subscription required)
State finally hits sign-up target for health insurance — 3 months late
Gov. Inslee signs bill prohibiting life sentences without parole for youths (Hargrove)
State selects Sellen/ZGF as design team for new State Patrol building (Dunshee)
Editorial: Time to step up mental health treatment programs
Letter: A modest proposal for officials to lead by example
Blog: Inslee signs bill making Olympia bivalve the official state oyster

Peninsula Daily News
Federal judge sides with wild-fish advocates on hatchery issue in Elwha River’s restoration [with link: read the court order]
State: U.S. 101 widening proceeds on schedule, on budget

Puget Sound Business Journal
WA Attorney General targets foreclosure trustee

Seattle Times (subscription required)
State used outdated data to allow logging on slope that collapsed
Health insurance deadline is here — 4 things to watch
Pot off-limits to military in Washington
Pilot program gives parents tools to boost babies’ brains
Scholarship program for women to double number of awards | Education Lab
Health care website stumbles on last day
Danny Westneat: As GOP grumbles, many more now insured
Editorial: In Oso mudslide, signs that warnings may have been missed
Guest Opinion: Vote ‘no’ on Proposition 1, money better spent on roads
Guest Opinion: Vote ‘yes’ on Proposition 1, avoid cuts to Metro | Guest columnist

Spokesman Review
Inslee signs domestic violence-gun law (Jinkins)
New laws name state oyster, juvenile rights
Looming trade agreements may boost small businesses
New tools let users see road projects by neighborhood
Guest opinion: Enact new bill for drone use (Goodman)
Editorial: What’s in a name? Let’s wait, watch and find out (ACA sign-up deadline)
Editorial: Inslee has opportunity to add balance to Washington high court

To prevent flooding, wall goes up around Monte wastewater plant (Blake)

Walla Walla Union Bulletin
(subscription required)
Editorial: State auditor right; commissioners’ pay raises done wrong
Editorial: Inslee must use reason in setting water-quality rules

Yakima Herald Republic
UW study shows early gang involvement makes lasting mark



Monday is deadline to enroll under Affordable Care Act

Washington residents scramble to meet Obamacare application deadline

Fasting in Solidarity (immigration reform)
England’s Health Secretary Models Nationwide Reforms On Seattle Hospital
Group Pushing A $15/Hour Minimum Wage In Seattle Plans To File Ballot Initiative Language

Gov. Inslee: ‘We’re Providing Every Opportunity To Find That Miracle’

MyNorthwest.com (KIRO FM)
Professor: Stop development in slide-susceptible areas
Why was there no warning?
Gay marriage: Not a done deal


The Daily Troll (Updated): Mudslide death toll at 21. Obama approves request for more federal aid. Zoo keeping elephants.

HDC Advance
Opportunity Scholarship Program gets a boost in the budget
Last chance for health care coverage!

Representative Cyrus Habib’s bill to aid entrepreneurs, create jobs wins approval in Washington State’s Senate (Habib)

Morning Fizz: A Precautionary Pre-K Measure

My Experience With Purchasing Health Insurance on the Exchange, and Why You Should Go Sign Up Now Before it’s Too Late

West Seattle Herald
‘Residents of the Junction’ forms to oppose micro housing construction