Washington State House Democrats


Wednesday, April 2


Aberdeen Daily World
Bozeman helps City Council choose six downtown projects

Arlington Times
28 confirmed dead, 20 still listed as missing in wake of Oso mudslide

Associated Press
New report details racial gap among U.S. children
New House GOP budget plan claims balance by cutting health care, aid
Receding waters at mudslide expose more searchable area
Source of sickening Hanford fumes still a mystery
High court nixes overall contribution limits
8,000 buy insurance in Washington on deadline day

Bloomberg Business
How big data helped cut emergency room visits by 10 percent (Cody)

Central Kitsap Reporter
State awards $746,708 for Bremerton’s Lower Wheaton Way Street Project

Editorial: In Our View: Vaccinations Remain Vital

Everett Herald
Milbank: Conservatives to women: Go get married
Davis: Can’t afford R&D loss
Editorial: The Senate Intelligence Committee: Holding the CIA accountable

Issaquah Press
Liberty welcomes Japanese visitors (Santos)

Journal of the San Juan Islands
It’s in the cards; spread of possible oil spill tracked by ‘drift card’ study

News Tribune (subscription required)
Lower taxes for gas plant linked to carbon cuts (Carlyle)
Editorial: Avalanches, eruptions, quakes — and now slides

Olympian (subscription required)
Lower taxes linked to carbon-emission cuts (Carlyle, Fey)
Editorial: Affordable Care Act building positive momentum
Letter: Do not guarantee loans for private college costs
Blog: ACA enrollment surge brings total covered in private plans to 146,500

Puget Sound Business Journal
Last-minute insurance shoppers tweet their frustrations

Seattle Times (subscription required)
146,000 buy health insurance on state exchange
Danny Westneat: Redirect Obamacare fury into ‘fix-it’ campaign
Mudslide has claimed 29 victims
New law should alleviate some tuition surprises | Education Lab
Insurance enrollment spikes on final day; state softens stance on extensions

Spokesman Review
Inslee to Energy Dept: Time’s up on Hanford delays

Tri-City Herald
U.S. ag report notes Washington crops
Update: Fire out at Plymouth natural gas plant, residents can return

Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
Op-Ed: Progress blocked by a divided Legislature (Nelson)

Walla Walla Union Bulletin
(subscription required)
Editorial: Hanford cleanup must be done before disaster



Oso landslide death toll rises to 29
Engineers considering new river channel around slide

Phishing email compromises hospital, clinic patient information

Poll: Nationwide marijuana legalization inevitable
Source of sickening Hanford fumes still a mystery

Washington To Seal Juvenile Court Records

Q13 TV (FOX)
Last-minute push helps boost state’s healthcare enrollment



Ballard News Tribune
Decline or renaissance? Stakeholders and policy makers address the state of the maritime industry

TVW legislative coverage could suffer blackouts
Treacherous: The mudslide’s political fallout
State calls Hanford cleanup delays a ‘violation’ of consent decree

HDC Advance
Does it still pay to get a college degree?

On other blogs today: Slide denialists, food deserts, and more
Fizz: Inslee may veto bill regulating government drones

Racial Opportunity Gap Impacts Washington State Children

Seattle PI
Blog: ‘Obamacare’ hits its target of 7 million signups; 150,000 signups in King County
Blog: Gov. Jay Inslee tells President Obama that Washington needs more mudslide help

Obamacare Enrollment Hits 7,000,000 Target
Remove Your Studded Tires, People