Washington State House Democrats


Wednesday, April 15


Associated Press
State’s summer ferry reservation system fails on first day
Machinists may withdraw request for S.C. Boeing vote
House OKs bill to increase tax on oil shipped through state (Farrell)
Repairing damaged Wash. I-90 overpass to cost $1.2M
Legislators pass bill on animals locked in cars
OSPI recommends plan to revise class size initiative
House passes bill on animals locked in cars
Legislature approves warrant requirement for cell simulators
Seattle CEO to cut his pay so every worker earns $70,000
Legislature approves overhaul of medical marijuana market (Kohl-Welles)
State Senate passes $3.9 billion construction budget
Legislature approves warrant requirement for cell simulators
Lawmaker wants to use aircraft carriers for bridge linking Bremerton, Port Orchard
House OKs bill to increase tax on oil shipped through state (Farrell)
Fight for $15 protests expand for low-wage workers

Aberdeen Daily World
April 23 meeting will review plans for Seaport Landing
Chehalis River Bridge cleanup will cause delays
Oped: Loving v. Virginia laid foundation for marriage equality fight today

Ballard News Tribune
Marijuana research bill one step closer to becoming law (Kohl-Welles)
Campus sexual violence bill heads to governor’s desk for signature (Kohl-Welles)

Bellingham Herald (subscription required)
Rules on oil train, pipeline safety not moving fast enough, federal lawmakers say
Editorial reprint: Keep politics out of parks and habitat

Oil train safety bill clears Washington House (Wylie, Moeller)
In Our View: Every Day Is Tax Day
Camden: Capitol confrontation over flag was just so much wind
Legislature approves overhaul of medical marijuana market (Wylie)
Vancouver port OKs creation of plan for Terminal 1 site

The Daily News
House transportation bill ignores county’s needs (Takko, Blake)
Fair organizers fighting for funds from Washington Legislature

Everett Herald (subscription required)
Machinists union considers postponing North Charleston vote
Editorial: Reforms would add state, local control (NCLB)

Islands’ Sounder
Ranker sponsors emergency bill (Ranker, Lytton, Morris)

Kirkland Reporter
King County Executive’s statement on transportation bill

News Tribune (subscription required)
Under the Dome: Wednesday, April 15, the 94th day of the 105-day legislative session
Tacoma to host three meetings on sick leave rules

Olympian (subscription required)
Editorial: Keep politics out of parks and habitat

Seattle Times (subscription required)
Minority law students to get leg up at UW, with help from ex-Gov. Gregoire
Union may delay vote at Boeing’s South Carolina plant
Medical marijuana headed for tighter oversight in state home in Des Moines on Tuesday.
Summer ferry reservation system fails on first day
State schools chief calls out lawmakers, ups ante on funding (Hunter)
Can a narrower capital-gains tax fly in Legislature? (Carlyle, Ranker)
Washington House passes its version of oil-transport bill (Farrell)
More marijuana exposures reported statewide
Minimum-wage issue bubbling up around the state
Guest Opinion: Renew the sales-tax deduction

Seattle Weekly
Higher Ground: A Vision of the Marijuana Movement From the Future—April 20, 2020

Spokesman Review
Washington Senate OKs marijuana regulation changes (Billig, Kohl-Welles)
Washington House approves tighter oil train rules (Farrell, Ormsby, Riccelli)
In brief: Bill would improve customer service when tolls challenged (Clibborn)
Spokane County would get $92 million for capital projects under Senate budget

Tri-City Herald
Our Voice: Keep politics out of state wildlife grant allocations
Our Voice: Fix RCWs to help counties’ budgets keep up with costs

Yakima Herald Republic
Warning of early fire season in Northwest sparks concern


Lawmakers crafting package to save Bothell golf course (McAuliffe)
Superintendent Dorn recommends plan to revise class size initiative

Repairing damaged I-90 overpass to cost $1.2 million
State health insurance form holds up federal tax filings

Pay To Pollute? Carbon Taxes Explained
Despite Consensus On Funding McCleary, State Schools Chief Pushing Lawmakers To Do More (Hunter)

Washington Oil Train And Pipeline Safety Bill Advances (Farrell)

MyNorthwest.com (KIRO FM)
Minimum wage protests planned across Washington

Q13 TV (FOX)
State schools superintendent slams lawmakers for inadequate education budgets, unveils own plan


Capitol Record (TVW)
Medical marijuana bill passes both chambers, heads to governor for signature (Kohl-Welles, Darneille, Keiser)
House passes oil transport bill, 58 to 40 (Fitzgibbon, Farrell)
Frustrated with Legislature, Randy Dorn unveils OSPI K-12 plan

Video: Voters’ tough messages on class sizes for legislators
Legislature meshes medical and recreational pot systems
Legislature’s oil train bills have yet to track together (Farrell)
State school super makes late push for big funding changes (Sullivan)

HDC Advance
Legislature passes Jinkins’ bill to help those suffering from mental health problems (Jinkins)
Orwall’s DNA bills headed to Inslee’s desk (Orwall, Kohl-Welles, Darneille)

What Is Sawant Spending All Her Money On? (House transportation package)

Seattle P.I.
State House bill: Report volume, contents of oil trains

The Stand
Why subsidize low-wage aerospace jobs?
Health dangers of pesticide drift warrants action, experts say