Associated Press
Washington lawmakers race clock to finalize budget deal (Hunter, Clibborn)
Budget agreement in Washington reached ‘in principle’
Legislature passes recreational marijuana reform bill
Gas tax increase gains momentum in state Legislature (Clibborn)
Justices rule against EPA power plant mercury limits
Using pot to be legal in Oregon — but not selling it
Justices uphold use of drug implicated in botched executions
Justices rule against Obama bid to limit power plant emissions
Coal plant operator says Colstrip remains profitable for now
Washington wildfire destroys homes, forces evacuations
Ballard News Tribune
Kohl-Welles to be honored at the 2015 Seattle Hempfest Festival (Kohl-Welles)
Central Kitsap Reporter
Opinion: For health innovations, fund Life Sciences Discovery
Clark County may adjust noise standards for wineries
In Our View: Alcohol Still a Big Problem
The Daily News
Hamm family asks Gov. Inslee to reconsider death penalty ban
Columbia River deepening sparks $1 billion in investments
Everett Herald (subscription required)
Lawmakers OK 11.9-cent gas tax hike in transportation package (Clibborn, Ortiz-Self, Liias)
Sirota: Rights tilting to corporations in trade deal
Swerdlick: Of course Obama should have said the n-word
Op-ed: Can technology make airliners less harmful to the environment?
Op-ed: Helping homeless less costly than criminalizing them
Editorial: Animal lab a step backward (UW)
Editorial: Celebrate right for all to wed
Kitsap Sun (subscription required)
Local lawmakers like where budget’s headed (Hansen, Appleton)
News Tribune (subscription required)
Lawmakers reach deal on gas tax increase, transportation funding (Clibborn)
Tacoma Minimum Wage Task Force weighs in with 2 proposals
Washington cities and counties that allow marijuana sales will get a cut (Carlyle)
Puget Sound Business Journal
OpEd: New marijuana law paves way for medical advances (Kohl-Welles)
Seattle Times (subscription required)
The recovery gap: Seattle area’s economic expansion is favoring the wealthy
Inslee: Tentative budget deal eases tuition burden, raises teachers’ pay (Hunter)
Inslee drops objection to ‘poison pill’ language in transportation package (Clibborn)
Wildfires in Washington: The latest updates
1,000 flee homes as wildfire quickly spreads in Wenatchee
Here’s a warning to get ready for robots who’ll take our jobs
Editorial: Highway 99 tunnel project needs more oversight, not less
Editorial: Wash. Republican congressional delegation, stop Obamacare opposition
Skagit Valley Herald
State offers LED streetlights to four Skagit County cities
Spokesman Review
Washington officials announce state budget deal
Under state budget deal, college tuition will fall, but leaders haven’t said by how much
Spin Control: State under high pressure to meet pot tax projections
Editorial: Celebrate, reflect on, U.S. Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling
Tri-City Herald
Our Voice: Last minute deals no way to create state budget
Yakima Herald Republic
Op-ed: Immigration problems — and ideas for solutions
Thousands celebrate at Seattle Pride Parade
Marijuana Taxes May Not Be Used For Prevention As Campaign Promised
Algae Bloom Hits Dungeness Crabbers Hard On Washington Coast
In Bid For Stricter Vaccine Rules, Officials Grapple With Decades-Old Distrust
Q13 TV (FOX)
At least a dozen homes burn, hundreds evacuated as Sleepy Hollow Fire grows to 1,700 acres
Civic Skunkworks
Why same sex marriage is great for business
Legislative leaders reach budget deal
Pot taxes will be reduced (Carlyle)
Inslee compromises to get transportation projects deal (Clibborn, Hobbs)
Washington State Wire
Inslee Drops Fuel Standard, To Propel Transpo Budget Deal