Associated Press
Donations to aid Olympic and Mount Rainier national parks
Utility to roll out electric car charger program
Seattle councilwoman proposes cap on fees for renters
Contractors with Seattle Tunnel file $11M lawsuit
Plan would ban boats from releasing sewage into Puget Sound
WSU will conduct reviews of its animal laboratories
Pricey drugs overwhelm Medicare safeguard
EPA fines Omak lumber mill for clean-air violations
Washington attorney general seeks immediate help for Hanford workers
Bellingham Herald (subscription required)
Orchard worker becomes doctor, sees himself in patients
Opinion: Dorn Takes Bold Step
The Daily News
Sen. Cantwell promotes affordable housing bill in Woodland
Everett Herald (subscription required)
A new deadly opioid threat on the scene in Snohomish County
Hundreds march in Seattle to protest police shootings
Editorial: No sympathy for stealing, politicizing music
Editorial: United Way adjusts to meet needs, address shift in charity
The Inlander
Crash > Click > Cash
Issaquah Reporter
Council sends $50 million transportation bond to November ballot
Journal of the San Juan Islands
OPALCO lays out islands’ energy future
News Tribune (subscription required)
DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down
Democratic National Convention, Day 1: Converging post-WikiLeaks
2 teens killed, at least 16 injured in Fort Myers club shooting at teen disco night
Underneath a woman’s skirt is not a private place, court rules
Trump to host Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ amid DNC speeches
Seattle Times (subscription required)
Central Washington University projects record freshman enrollment for the fall
Seattle police’s civilian watchdog vows to push on
Contractors who built Bertha’s vault sue for $11 million in extra pay
Explained: Why larger housing levy would create fewer homes
Seattle to install hundreds of charging stations for electric cars
REI boosting wages for workers in 7 cities, including Seattle
WSU vaccinates dogs to help eradicate rabies from Africa
Opinion: How Sea-Tac Airport can keep up with growth
Editorial: Help victims of domestic violence by giving to school supply drive
Opinion: Who owns this country? We all do
Spokesman Review
Forest Service, Fairchild solve mystery of plane crash discovered in the Colville National Forest
Boaters clean up their act to fight invasive species
Schizophrenia a widely known but poorly understood mental illness
Witnesses say WSU football players assaulted 2 students
Spin Control: Rocking out on campaign trail has its pitfalls
Editorial: Dorn’s real target is the Legislature
Editorial: Clean-air victory offers climate change lesson
Tri-City Herald
Schools chief targets key funding issue
Yakima Herald Republic
Lower Valley farm workers gather in Granger to celebrate victory in lawsuit, receive payments
Yakima Valley school districts agree: It’s tough to get a bond passed
Editorial: Initiatives may create additional vote drama in ’16
Contractors with Seattle Tunnel file $11 million lawsuit
Northwest Native Caucus Presents Priorities for DNC Platform in Philadelphia
Help! Who Are All These Candidates On My Washington Primary Ballot?
NW Fire Season Slow So Far, But That Could Change In August
MyNorthwest (KIRO Radio)
Seattle City Council considers ban on ‘conversion therapy’
How much money will it take to make Seattle arts better?
Washington GOP’s week of tumult with Trump
Urbanist Hopes, Democratic Expectations, and Neighborhood Demands