Washington State House Democrats


Tuesday, Jan. 23


Associated Press
Gov. Inslee heads to Davos, Switzerland 
Shutdown deal: Dems face angry base, GOP has hard choices
Former city councilman sues sexual harassment accusers 
Trump hits solar panels, washing machines with tariffs

Aberdeen Daily World
Mother and daughter arrested in connection with thefts from hospital district
Ocean Shores women’s march elevates multiple causes

Auburn Reporter
Capital budget brings state funding support to local needs

The missing – consequences of Trump’s immigration crackdown

Bainbridge Island Review
State legislators combat federal ruling on net neutrality | 2018 Legislative Session (Ranker)

Bellingham Herald (subscription required)
Unstable slopes? Washington’s lands chief says more money is needed to review logging requests

Bothell Reporter
1st District receives $57 million for infrastructure projects (Palumbo)
State legislators combat federal ruling on net neutrality (Ranker, Carlyle)

Capital Press
Washington Farm Bureau lauds ‘Hirst’ fix  (Van De Wege, McCoy)

$80 million from capital budget heading to Clark County (Wylie, Stonier)
In Our View: Do People’s Work in Open (Pollet)

The Daily News
Herrera Beutler telephone town hall focuses on shutdown, immigration
Housing projects underway despite post-recession challenges
Opinion: Tests serve crucial role

Everett Herald (subscription required)
Do we need the death penalty? Testimony split in Olympia
Editorial: Judge rightly applies records law to legislators (Palumbo, Pollet)

Issaquah-Sammamish Reporter
State legislators combat federal ruling on net neutrality (Ranker, Carlyle)
Senate approves Mercer Island senator’s ‘Breakfast After the Bell’ legislation (Wellman)
41st District lawmakers cheer passage of $4 billion construction budget (Clibborn, Senn)

Journal of the San Juan Islands
Islanders join Women’s March in Friday Harbor (Ranker)

Kent Reporter
AG Ferguson, King County Prosecutor Satterberg testify in Olympia to end death penalty (Orwall)

Kirkland Reporter
1st District receives $57 million for infrastructure projects

Kitsap Sun (subscription required)
Furloughed federal employees in Kitsap head back to work on Tuesday

Leavenworth Echo
Hundreds attend the 40th annual March For Life on the anniversary of Roe v Wade  (Hobbs, Cleveland, Ranker)

Maple Valley Reporter
Regional leaders come together to craft community plan to prevent homelessness (Chopp, Nelson)

My Ballard
Park at the Ballard Locks will close due to government shutdown

News Tribune (subscription required)
Rally against abortion draws 5,000 to state Capitol
Trump open to expanding Dreamer protection to 1.2 million despite campaign vow
Editorial: Score one for government transparency

New York Times
Clash Is Set Up Over Immigration and Fate of ‘Dreamers’
Will Tax Cuts Mean Pay Raises? Bonuses Don’t Tell Us Much
Editorial: The Jell-O President and the Shutdown

Olympian (subscription required)
Are video-game loot boxes a form of gambling that targets children? Washington aims to find out (Ranker)
For the first time, a woman will be honored with her name on a Capitol Campus building (Cody, Frockt)

Puget Sound Business Journal
Trump slaps steep tariffs on foreign washing machines and solar products
HBR: Sexual harassment is pervasive in the restaurant industry. Here’s what needs to change.
Consumer goods groups join war on plastic

Renton Reporter
Editorial cartoon: Joking about carbon tax

Seattle Times (subscription required)
Boeing CEO Muilenburg discusses Seattle-area job outlook, explains relationship with Trump
Job referrals may spur hires but also lead to less diversity and pay gaps, study finds
A new King County homelessness task force keeps taxes on the table
Legislature appeals to state Supreme Court in public-records case
Whatever happened to the abortion pill? It’s going through the mail
Editorial: Police shouldn’t sell guns back to the communities they protect (Senn)

Skagit Valley Herald
Gov. Inslee heads to Davos, Switzerland
County prosecutor calls for repeal of state’s death penalty
Bill would use bonds to fund more mental health facilities
Judge says records of Washington state lawmakers are subject to public disclosure, ruling in favor of AP and other media

Snoqualmie-Valley Record
Indivisibles stage local Women’s March in North Bend Saturday

Spokesman Review 
State legislators revive debate over nuclear evacuation plans (Goodman)

The Stranger
State Lawmakers Just Missed a Huge Affordable Housing Opportunity—By One Day  (Van De Wege)

USA Today
After the shutdown, 4 things that make the road ahead to a DREAMer deal rocky
Opinion: Abortion rights being chipped away

Walla Walla Union Bulletin (subscription required)
Editorial: Capital budget delay can’t happen again (Van De Wege)
Shutdown effects felt in Walla Walla
Washington State Republicans choose new party chairman
Letter to the Editor: Lowering drunken-driving limit not necessary
Letter to the Editor: Religious beliefs shouldn’t supersede rights

Washington Post
Shutdown ends after Democrats agree to trust that McConnell will allow ‘dreamer’ vote
Why Democrats need to stand with working Americans vs. big banks
The Energy 202: Republicans love NASA. But why do they doubt its climate science?

West Seattle Herald
Executive Constantine proposes new Department of Local Services to better serve residents of Unincorporated King County

Whidbey News-Times
MLK assembly ignites controversy

Yakima Herald Republic
Wapato voters to decide on $5.1 million school levy
Editorial: No need for this shutdown showdown


How to prepare for earthquakes and tsunamis along Washington coast
Furloughed federal employees in Kitsap head back to work on Tuesday
Federal Way looks to end hate crimes toward Sikh residents
King County homeless campaign releases staggering numbers

Public can offer feedback over repeal on state rent control ban (Macri)
Abortion, contraception take center stage in Olympia (Ranker)

Washington State May Raise Minimum Age To Purchase Tobacco, Vapor Products
Is Support Building For Death Penalty Repeal In Washington?

Seattle’s megaproject economy comes with a big carbon cost
Bill aims to cover abortion, birth control for undocumented Washington residents  (Ranker)

KXRO News Radio
“Bump Stock Ban” bill moves through committee  (Van De Wege)

NW Public Radio
Researchers Will Soon Predict Northwest Snowpack Before The Powder Even Falls
Washington Bill Aims To Cover Abortion, Birth Control For Undocumented Residents
Washington May Raise Minimum Age To Buy Tobacco

Q13 TV (FOX)
Tyler Hilinski’s death sparks conversation about suicide on college campuses


Opinion: How curbing electoral meddling could harm grassroots advocacy

Gov. Inslee and the battle against carbon pollution
The death penalty: King, Snohomish prosecutors’ opposing views
GOP lawmaker bucks Republicans, votes with Democrats (Senn)

How Many Women Sit on the Boards of Major Seattle Companies?

Union numbers are stagnant nationwide but growing a little in Washington
Some state legislators want to decriminalize driving with a suspended license