Associated Press
Fed lifts rates for 4th time this year but sees fewer hikes
US miscalculated benefits of oil train brakes
‘A moral disaster’: AP reveals scope of migrant kids program
Report: US fails in funding obligation to Native Americans
Ellensburg lawmaker resigns after sexual allegations
11th Washington child suspected of having paralyzing illness
Agencies plan to airlift more mountain goats out of Olympic
November jobless rate in Washington holds at 4.3 percent
Google, Facebook to pay $450K for Washington state violation
Trump lashes out as House struggles with avoiding shutdown
Crews assess damage from Washington state tornado
Aberdeen Daily World
Commissioners vote to end syringe exchange in June
Study: Schafer Island Beach best spot to land transoceanic fiber optic cable
Aberdeen legislators draft bill to make the razor clam the official state clam (Blake)
$3.3 million will boosts lead removal work in state, including Harbor
Bothell Reporter
Why do Washington voters struggle with climate change policies?
Chinook Observer
County, state leaders focus on 2019 priorities (Takko, Blake)
Letter: Not hopeful for Interstate 5 Bridge (Cleveland, Stonier)
Herrera Beutler, state Republicans want ‘alternatives to light rail’ in bridge planning
In Our View: Diversity Matters
In Our View: Let’s Bridge the Divide
In Our View: Problematic Plastics
In Our View: Feds, Clean up Hanford Mess
Everett Herald (subscription required)
New idea: Carbon fee for transportation, environmental work
Puget Sound prepares for ‘The Big One’
Editorial: Cavities to fill in state corporate dentistry law
The Inlander
WSU finds former QB Jason Gesser violated sexual harassment policy
Journal of the San Juan Islands
Sea snails struggle in the Salish Sea
Associated Press reports of alleged sexual harassment against Sen. Kevin Ranker (Ranker)
Kitsap Sun (subscription required)
What is the tornado rating scale, and how does the Port Orchard storm measure up?
News Tribune (subscription required)
County council pays final installment of Lindquist’s legal bill, which totaled $108,000
Editorial: Families of missing, murdered Native women have waited too long already. Pass this bill
New York Times
Trump’s Decision to Withdraw From Syria Is Alarming. Just Ask His Advisers.
Trump Border Demand Threatens to Upend Shutdown Deal
North Coast News
Ferry service, protecting sewer plant top legislative requests (Van De Wege)
Olympian (subscription required)
Furious conservatives demand Trump veto spending bill without wall funding
Trump administration wants huge limits on food stamps — even though Congress said no
Washington and Oregon lawmakers return to Interstate Bridge talks, with thanks and questions (Cleveland)
Puget Sound Business Journal
Fed raises rates but lowers 2019 forecasts
T-Mobile scores Mariners ballpark naming rights
Seattle Times (subscription required)
It’s official: Sound Transit to get $1.2 billion for light rail to Lynnwood
High-wind warning for Seattle area until Thursday evening, with threat of power outages
Seattle’s soda-tax collections top $16 million in 9 months, surpass first-year estimate
Can new SDOT director build consensus amid Seattle’s transportation battles?
Washington state released new school report cards — but then they broke the website
As EMT strike looms, Seattle ambulance company brings in out-of-state replacement workers
Memo: Seattle police-union official called sergeant’s public retaliation against citizen “minor misconduct”
Seattle’s 1st recorded tornado was in ’62, and it wrecked Bill Gates’ childhood home
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan nominates permanent leaders for human services, civil rights
Washington state Rep. Matt Manweller to step down next month over sexual-misconduct allegations
Durkan and Constantine endorse consolidating ‘fragmented’ homelessness response
Opinion: The U.S. and Cuba have so much to gain from mutual engagement
Editorial: Vietnamese immigrants deserve better from U.S.
Spokesman Review
U-District’s $15.4 million bridge finished, but controversy over delays and bike landing continue (Billig)
Housing shortage looms on Spokane’s West Plains
Tri-City Herald
Trump administration wants huge limits on food stamps — even though Congress said no
USA Today
Trump bans new asylum-seekers from staying in US
Walla Walla Union Bulletin (subscription required)
Editorial: Dam agreement to save fish worth a try
Washington Post
Trump tells lawmakers he won’t sign deal to avert shutdown, demands funds for border security
Trump calls withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria ‘no surprise’ amid mounting backlash
Trump administration reaches deal that will force asylum seekers to wait in Mexico as cases are processed, DHS’s Nielsen says
U.S. charges Chinese hackers in alleged theft of vast trove of confidential data in 12 countries
Nine months after deadly crash, Uber is testing self-driving cars again in Pittsburgh
Generic drug firms seek gag order in price-fixing case
Mortgage rates continue their slide, while the Fed raises its benchmark rate
Whidbey News-Times
County awards more than $280,000 for events, tourism
Editorial: Federal agency needs to hear from wide range of voices
Yakima Herald Republic
Rep. Matt Manweller to step down on Jan. 14
Editorial: Later start times for schools translate to better outcomes
Editorial: Cannabis board compromise wisely averts a hue and cry on edibles (Palumbo, Wylie)
Agreement cements $1.2B federal commitment for Lynnwood light rail line
11th Washington child suspected of having paralyzing illness
New mobile showers for the homeless hit the streets of Bellingham
King County firearms unit seized 466 guns in 2018
‘Convince Us If You’re For Real’: Lawmakers Reopen I-5 Bridge Talks (Cleveland)
What can you do to protect your data on Facebook?
State senator acknowledges previous relationship with former legislative assistant (Ranker)
Dam Agreement Aims To Help More Salmon Survive Columbia River Journey
This Christmas tree pesticide poisons kids, but Washington state hasn’t banned it
Why do people slow down when they enter a tunnel?
Why Alex Jones, right-wing conspiracy theorist, is obsessed with this Seattle school
A First Glimpse Of Hanford’s Tunnel 2 As Work Continues To Prevent Another Hazardous Collapse
Study: Kids More Likely To Die From Cars And Guns In U.S. Than Elsewhere
NW Public Radio
Washington Sen. Kevin Ranker Admits Relationship With Former Staffer Accusing Him Of Misconduct (Ranker)
Agreement On Dams Aims To Help More Salmon Survive Columbia And Snake River Journey
A First Glimpse Of Hanford’s Tunnel 2 As Work Continues To Prevent Another Hazardous Collapse
Q13 TV (Fox)
11th Washington child suspected of having paralyzing illness
Rockfish are bouncing back from years of overfishing
Why conservative think tanks thrive in liberal WA
Seattle P.I.
Prepare for outages: Major windstorm moves in over Western Washington
Port Orchard neighbors band together after tornado destruction
Facebook Will Halt Political Ad Sales in Washington State by the End of This Year
New Study: Pot Use Among Washington Teens Fell Following Legalization
This Is, Indeed, the Statistic of 2018: 90.5 Percent of Plastic Is Not Recycled
My New Favorite Judge Just Struck Down Most of Jeff Sessions’s Barbaric Immigration Policy