Washington State House Democrats


LEGISLATIVE NEWS: Ramos to Chair House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee

OLYMPIA – Washington House Democrats announced today that Rep. Bill Ramos, D – Issaquah, will chair the State Government and Tribal Relations Committee in the 2023 legislative session.

“I am honored and excited with this opportunity to work on policies that strengthen our democracy, reinforce our relationships with First Nations, and increase accountability and transparency in our elections. In our current political landscape, ensuring that government at all levels reflects the diversity of our state is a priority,” said Ramos, as he pointed out that all four Democratic members in his committee are people of color.

The House State Government & Tribal Relations Committee considers a broad array of issues relating to state government, including state agency structure; procurement standards; performance audits; state information technology; and public employment. The committee also considers issues relating to elections; campaign finance; public disclosure; ethics in government; and the government-to-government relationship of the state and Indian tribes.​

“I am committed to furthering inclusivity and equity in our legislative work to make sure all Washingtonians can fully participate in the political process, including having the certainty that they are empowered to elect leaders that represent them,” Ramos added.

Rep. Ramos will continue serving on the Community, Safety, Justice, & Reentry Committee, (formerly Public Safety), and on the Transportation Committee.
