OLYMPIA – Rep. April Berg, D-Mill Creek, introduced a consumer protection and animal welfare bill, House Bill 1424, intended to end the puppy mill to pet store pipeline and limit…
House passes Berg bill to prevent animal abuse and predatory lending

OLYMPIA – Rep. April Berg, D-Mill Creek, introduced a consumer protection and animal welfare bill, House Bill 1424, intended to end the puppy mill to pet store pipeline and limit…
Olympia, WA – State Representative April Berg (D – Mill Creek) introduced House Bill 1750, also known as Yori’s Law, aimed at promoting water safety and drowning prevention education. Drowning…
OLYMPIA – Washington House Democrats announced this week that Rep. April Berg (D – Mill Creek) will chair the House Finance Committee. Berg is the first Black woman to chair…
OLYMPIA—The state’s new $1.5 billion construction projects fund a number of projects in the 44th District, according to Rep. April Berg (D-Mill Creek). “We aren’t simply breaking ground to pour…