Washington State House Democrats


Wednesday, November 4

Washington’s $40 million COVID-19 relief fund for immigrants is open for applications Washington immigrants who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and shut out of federal relief or state… READ MORE

Tuesday, November 3

The mental toll of the COVID-19 pandemic During the pandemic, we may have lost the things we are attached to or things that we are used to. Some of the… READ MORE

Friday, October 23

Asian giant hornet nest found in Washington state Washington State Department of Agriculture entomologists have located an Asian giant hornet nest on private property in Blaine — the first ever… READ MORE

Thursday, October 22

Inslee announces COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund now open for applications Gov. Jay Inslee announced Wednesday, Oct. 21 the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund is now open for applications. The relief… READ MORE

Wednesday, October 21

How poverty hurts Washington state’s democracy Never in recent history have more Washingtonians needed a strong social safety net. In April, as the COVID-19 pandemic shut down whole industries, over… READ MORE