Washington State House Democrats


Friday, April 17

Technology’s had us ‘social distancing’ for years. Can our digital ‘lifeline’ get us through the coronavirus pandemic? There’s never been a better time to have to stay at home. Never… READ MORE

Thursday, April 16

Inslee says Washington’s economy will likely eventually reopen in phases, not all at once, amid coronavirus crisis Gov. Jay Inslee Wednesday said Washington’s economy will likely reopen in phases once… READ MORE

Wednesday, April 15

Visiting even ‘just one friend’ puts everyone at higher risk for coronavirus After weeks of social distancing to help curb the spread of coronavirus, it’s only natural a few of… READ MORE

Tuesday, April 14

State to release up to 950 nonviolent offenders early in response to COVID-19 The state plans to release 600 to 950 nonviolent offenders early to free up space in state… READ MORE

Monday, April 13

The state of our state’s coronavirus fight We do not know enough. How many will be infected? How many will die? Our best guesses are still only guesses, overshadowed by… READ MORE