Washington State House Democrats


Wednesday, August 28

Print  Associated Press 5 years in, Washington considers overhaul of pot regulation Deutsche Bank has tax returns sought in Congressional probe Fearing violence, state of Washington cancels wolf meetings Washington… READ MORE

Tuesday, August 27

FEATURED STORIES Migrant children now in Washington state tell of haunting conditions at the border as AGs file suit via The Seattle Times Kennewick classes canceled. Teachers to strike starting Tuesday… READ MORE

Monday, August 26

FEATURED STORIES Is giving judges more discretion in sentencing the right reform? Lawmakers to decide (Goodman, Darneille) via The News Tribune How a company’s push to expand psychiatric care brought peril… READ MORE

Thursday, August 22

Print  Associated Press Report shows US deficit to exceed $1 trillion next year Amazon to expand hub in Portland with 400 jobs FAA to plane workers: Don’t damage the angle-of-attack… READ MORE

Wednesday, August 21

Print  Associated Press Trump administration plans to end limits on child detention Wage hike may end Washington state firm’s blueberry harvest Earth’s future is being written in fast-melting Greenland Appeals… READ MORE