OLYMPIA – In a 57-40 vote, the Washington House of Representatives passed a bill to ensure health providers can’t be disciplined for providing legal reproductive health services or gender affirming…
Category: Press Releases
LEGISLATIVE NEWS: Orwall’s insurance coverage for hearing aids passes House
OLYMPIA—Twenty percent of adult Washingtonians experience some degree of hearing loss, that’s five percent higher than the national average, and two out of 1000 children nationally are born with a…
Lekanoff Bill to Solve Cases of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Passes Unanimously in the House
OLYMPIA – Too many Indigenous mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters have been torn from their families. Native women experience violence at much higher rates than the national average and are…
House Passes Morgan’s Reconciliation Act
OLYMPIA – On Tuesday, the House passed HB 1737, the Reconciliation Act, prime sponsored by Rep. Melanie Morgan (D-Parkland). The bill, passed by a vote of 64-33, builds off Rep….
Timmons’ Bill Provides Transparency and Clarity in the Event of Water Rights Adjudication
OLYMPIA— A few years ago, the Washington State Department of Ecology was directed by the Legislature to assess watersheds in the state that would benefit most from a water rights…