Representatives Sharon Wylie and Jim Moeller, and Senator Annette Cleveland will hold a town hall meeting on Monday, June 15th, from 6 to 8pm at the Columbia Room of the…
49th District Town Hall on Monday, June 15 at the library

Representatives Sharon Wylie and Jim Moeller, and Senator Annette Cleveland will hold a town hall meeting on Monday, June 15th, from 6 to 8pm at the Columbia Room of the…
Rep. Sharon Wylie (D-Vancouver) responds to constituent emails on the payday lending bill (SB 5899) and on the barrel tax included in the oil train safety bill passed on Friday,…
OLYMPIA—This morning Governor Jay Inslee signed into law a bill that imposes new criminal penalties on massage and reflexology business owners who knowingly allow unlicensed practice in their businesses. This…
The Washington State House of Representatives has approved an amendment that would provide $100,000 for the creation of a bi-state legislative work group to seek solutions for a bridge crossing…
Rep. Sharon Wylie (D – Vancouver), responds to constituents’ e-mails on protecting health care funding, and on concerns about high stakes testing without getting the desired results.