Rep. Tana Senn earns “Legislator of the Week” Award for work on equal pay Fuse Washington named Rep. Tana Senn (D-Mercer Island) as the “Legislator of the Week” for her…
Rep. Senn named Legislator of the Week by Fuse Washington

Rep. Tana Senn earns “Legislator of the Week” Award for work on equal pay Fuse Washington named Rep. Tana Senn (D-Mercer Island) as the “Legislator of the Week” for her…
A great week for women I am thrilled to announce that this week the House passed my equal pay legislation, HB 1646. This bill, known as the Equal Pay Opportunity…
Approved by the Washington House of Representatives on February 3, 2016 America is a nation founded on the ideal that all of us are created equal. That should hold…
OLYMPIA – Washington State took a major step toward pay equity today with the passage of the Equal Pay Opportunity Act. HB 1646, sponsored by Rep. Tana Senn (D-Mercer Island),…
Greetings from Olympia! I’m honored to represent you in the state House of Representatives as we continue to work on addressing Washington’s pressing needs. Teacher Shortage at a Crisis Point…