OLYMPIA — In the 1990s, Washington lost 86,000 acres a year to wildfires. By 2015 the average had climbed to nearly a half million acres a year. Last year? 812,000…
State House OK’s long-term plan to prevent and fight wildfires

OLYMPIA — In the 1990s, Washington lost 86,000 acres a year to wildfires. By 2015 the average had climbed to nearly a half million acres a year. Last year? 812,000…
The House of Representatives passed 350 bills during the first part of the 2019 legislative session. Below are some highlights of key bills that support the Democrats’ Putting People First…
For years, House Democrats passed progressive policies only to see them stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate. With new leadership in the Senate this year, Democrats led the way on advancing…
Below are the scheduled town halls from the House Democratic Caucus. Check back often for updates. [table width =”100%” style =”” responsive =”true”] [table_head] [th_column]District[/th_column] [th_column]Member(s)[/th_column] [th_column]Date/Time[/th_column] [th_column]Location[/th_column] [th_column]Notes[/th_column]…
The state capital budget will create thousands of jobs in every corner of the state. Here are some of the details: A record $1 billion to build new public…