It’s been called “a shell game” by one editorial board. “Smoke and mirrors” by another. Newspapers from every corner of the state have exposed some of the many problems with…
Category: The Advance
Our Budget Works For Everyone, Not Just The Wealthy Few
A lot of talk has been going on about what will happen with the budget. I’m sorry to say the Senate Republicans have refused our efforts to negotiate and have…
Distaste for Debate is Ominous Message from Senate
Things move a bit more quickly in the House of Representatives than in the Senate. We have twice as many members, we usually have more bills to consider, and we…
How many times can you spend the state’s revenue growth?
Republicans say 8 percent revenue growth (about $3 billion “extra”) is enough to fund the budget. Is it? First, factor in costs just to keep doing what we are doing…
Surplus or deficit: Which is it?
You don’t need an advanced math degree to understand basic budget principles. Even though our state budget is 487 pages and takes several months to produce, the budget itself is…