Washington State House Democrats


Friday, January 29

As climate proposals move through Legislature, offset provisions are causing controversy The pressure is on to pass climate bills in Olympia. Attempts to get policies through that limit carbon pollution… READ MORE

Thursday, January 28

Push for municipal broadband, as pandemic highlights lack of internet access in rural Washington On a chilly Wednesday afternoon, dozens of people stood outside in the cold, waiting in a… READ MORE

Wednesday, January 27

Mags, open carry at protests and AR-15s on Olympia’s agenda A number of bills concerning firearms are being considered by the Legislature this year as lawmakers in Olympia decide whether… READ MORE

Tuesday, January 26

State lawmakers promise quick passage of COVID-19 rescue package Democrats have the majority and today laid out their $2.2 billion Fast Start package for pandemic relief. “We are in a… READ MORE

Monday, January 25

State Democrats unveil $2.2 billion COVID-19 relief proposal Democrats in the Washington state legislature unveiled a COVID-19 relief package late Friday afternoon that would put nearly $2.2 billion in federal… READ MORE