Washington State House Democrats


Wednesday, April 29

‘We will have major social distancing after May 4th.’ WA governor offers reality check in interview. With his current stay home order set to expire in less than a week,… READ MORE

Tuesday, April 28

Some fishing, hunting and state parks will reopen May 5 People suffering from cabin fever as Washington’s coronavirus shutdown enters Week 7 may get some relief with the partial reopening… READ MORE

Monday, April 27

Virus to have longstanding effect on state budget Even once Washington’s economy fully reopens, the effect on state revenues from the coronavirus shutdown is expected to be felt for months… READ MORE

Friday, April 24

State: More than $1.4 billion in unemployment benefits paid More than $1.4 billion in unemployment benefits have been paid out in Washington since business closures and layoffs related to the… READ MORE

Thursday, April 23

Washington state builds coronavirus contact tracing ‘fire brigade’ If life is going to return to anything like normal in the next few months, experts say we’re going to need a… READ MORE