Washington State House Democrats


Thursday, May 3

Print Associated Press Bill Gates dedicates $158 million to American poverty issues  Washington school district teachers get bats for security  Forest Service has more cash to fight catastrophic wildfires  More… READ MORE

Wednesday, May 1

Print Associated Press Judge: U.S. can’t immediately revoke man’s DACA status Hanford workers seek lost pension benefits in new lawsuit Landlords sue Seattle over tenant history ordinance Special counsel team… READ MORE

Tuesday, May 1

Print Associated Press Union wants word no public funds used to promote religion  US starts processing asylum seekers slammed by Trump Groups sue Trump administration over leases on public lands… READ MORE

Monday, Apr. 30

Print Associated Press State: Some veterans wrongly billed for license plates  Suit alleges kindergarten teacher did not stop sexual abuse  Get ready for the most expensive driving season in years … READ MORE

Friday, Apr. 27

Print Associated Press Court allows Pasco nurses to sue hospital as group  Northwest medical waste treatment plant fined for pollution  Corrosive liquid spill contained at Washington state mill Tons of… READ MORE