Washington State House Democrats


Monday, Aug. 21

Print Associated Press Trump won places drowning in despair. Can he save them? Blue skies with chance of dark: US West readies for eclipse Most American Indian tribes opt out… READ MORE

Friday, Aug. 18

Print Associated Press Seattle Mayor: Take down Confederate memorial, Lenin statue Everett outlaws bikini-clad employees at certain businesses Eclipse traffic already heavy in central Oregon Washington apple farmers may see… READ MORE

Thursday, August 17

PRINT Associated Press Trump decries monument removals, ‘history ripped apart’ Starbucks founder questions country’s ‘moral fiber’ Sexualized office culture prompts fish hatchery firings Governors of 2 pot states push back… READ MORE

Wednesday, August 16

Print Associated Press New WSU medical school welcomes first class Energy Secretary Rick Perry visits Hanford reservation WWU student dies after fall along Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon US teen… READ MORE

Tuesday, August 15

Print Associated Press WSU College Republicans leader steps down after being exposed as white-nationalist protester White nationalists groups plan to be ‘more active than ever’ UW gets federal money to… READ MORE