Washington State House Democrats


Monday, January 16

Print Associated Press Man arrested after overnight fire at Washington state mosque  Seattle mayor nixes bike-share program Stark inequality: Oxfam says 8 men as rich as half the world Aberdeen… READ MORE

Friday, January 13

Print Associated Press Inslee decries efforts to repeal federal health care law  Court throws wrench in plans for big Washington oil terminal  Lawsuit faults Bureau of Indian Education schools  Amazon… READ MORE

Thursday, January 12

Print Associated Press Republican-led Senate takes first step to repeal ‘Obamacare’ Spokane County sees spike in mumps cases  Wine without hassle: Washington state eyes store refills  Gov. Inslee says education… READ MORE

Wednesday, January 11

Print Associated Press Lawsuit planned in death tied to early release of prisoners  Woman charged with hate-crime after posting Facebook video  Environmental groups want work halted on Snake River dams… READ MORE

Tuesday, January 10

Print Associated Press Group files initiative on transgender bathrooms  Judge: Federal hatchery violating clean-water laws  Education the focus as Legislature convenes 105-day session  (Chopp, Rolfes) Environmental groups want work halted… READ MORE